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Looking beyond neck pain

Why we won’t leave you too long in the waiting room

A recent survey by Commonsense Media in the US, found that adults spend more than 9 hours per day, on average, in front of a screen, much of which was for personal use. Take that statistic with a pinch of salt if you wish, but there’s no question that adults spend an awful lot of time looking down at their phones, iPads or computers.

And it’s not a position that the human body was designed to hold for long periods of time. No doubt evolution will come up with a response in due course, but it will probably come too late for us. Unfortunately that means we’ll have to continue craning our necks over backlit screens for hours on end, and suffering the pain the following day as our muscles complain about the work they had to do.

Statistically, half of us will suffer with neck pain during our lives. Most of it is caused by poor posture, overuse or trauma. So when all that screen time finally catches up with you, give an osteopath a call. At Relinque Sports and Spinal Group, it’s our business to get you moving freely again.

When you come in for your first session, we’ll take a complete history. We’ll perform a comprehensive assessment. And then we’ll give you a diagnosis—at which point we’ll start work on relieving your pain. And we’ll show you some exercises to help strengthen your neck.

So if your body is protesting, call us on 03 9499 9644 or pop in and see us. Just try not to check your phone in the waiting room!

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